Covid screen installations continue

Eighteen months into the pandemic, our customers continue to update their office space with covid screen installations ready to welcome colleagues back to the office, safely.

We recently implemented a further phase of covid screen installations for a long-term client based in Weybridge. This install was a significant project with over 100 screens culminating with a very detailed planning strategy to provide the most efficient use of the office space for a safe return to work for more colleagues.

Some of the covid screens can be seen in situ at this Weybridge office

Back to work planning

It marked the 3rd phase of a project to steadily increase the available desks that could be safely occupied during covid. We recommended a traffic light colour coding system for the desk positions on our plans.

  • Red coloured desks could not be occupied
  • Green desks were those that could be utilised safely since our toughened glass screens provided a covid safe space for employees

As plans developed, we were able to identify positions that could be safely added to the “green” desks as further staff communicated their return to the office. These desks required additional screens to allow for safe working and we were pleased to be able to create the correct specification and manufacture them for the team.

The diverse nature of on-site desk reflected the growth of the company and inheritance of furniture from previous businesses and locations meant that special brackets, mounts and glass sizes were needed to create the most effective solution for the staff’s safe return. These were sourced and installed as quickly as possible to allow the team to ramp up their ‘return to office’ campaign. We’re happy that our screens allow for positive welcome back experience, with safe physical interaction that is more productive.

Products used

  • Glass Screen Toppers to prevent spread of covid-19 (view here)
  • Glass Covid Screens for Desks (view here)


Not sure where to start?

Our team of experts are ready to help you find the best solutions for your office.