Artificial office plants: 5 benefits of a green workplace

Who wouldn’t want a bonsai or bamboo plant to look at during the working day? Bringing nature inside is a great way to transform office space aesthetics whilst supercharging ones mood. According to scientists from the University of Exeter, plants can boost productivity and wellbeing by a whopping 47%. And this can be achieved quite easily thanks to artificial office plants which look the real deal.

Artificial Plants for Offices
Bamboo, Aloe Vera and Wild Grasses

So what are the main benefits of artificial office plants vs natural greenery?

1) You could misplace them for real office plants
Artificial office plants are manufactured to look incredibly realistic – they make an excellent alternative to live plants. They transform a workspace (such as meeting rooms) and front of house areas such as reception desks.

2) Reduced maintenance
Unlike real plants, these don’t need watering just occasional dusting which any office worker or cleaner can carry out.

3) Cost effective
With the rise of biophilic office interiors, many plant companies offer a monthly rental model which can cover consultancy, delivery and ongoing maintenance of plants (dusting, watering and even replacing sorry looking pot plants). Over the course of a year, costs stack-up and can often become untenable for startups or medium sized companies.

Investment into artificial plants means a company can relocate them to other office locations with ease and courier them to colleagues houses to enjoy if needed.

4) Increased productivity
There’s a great article on All.WorkSpace offering all sorts of stats and qualitative reasoning behind the relationship of plants and productivity.

Studies have shown that a single visible office plant can have a noticeable positive impact. Even looking at the colour green can have a positive effect.

office plants on a home office desk
We love this graphic from Zappos

At RotaCloud (an office in Yorkshire) employees receive a yearly “plant budget” to spend on greenery for their desks. The result? An office jungle that looks fantastic – and promotes workplace wellbeing.

5) Reduces noise levels
As with all office furniture and accessories; the more you have, the more surface area you have available to absorb those annoying sound levels. Office plants are no different – they provide an albeit small degree of acoustics in the workplace.

We offer a wide range of plants in different sizes and shapes to fit different budgets so if you’d like to explore the options, why not drop us an enquiry? One of the sales team will get back to you as soon as possible to arrange an initial consultant (free of charge, of course).


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