Office pods of the future

Solutions 4 Office is working with a technology provider to integrate their tech into our office pods. Once complete, the pods will enable the public to have direct remote access to local Government services in a private environment.

A pilot scheme is being created to emphasise the business case and test all aspects of the integration.
The client commented that our service and products were in a different class when compared to other office pod suppliers they had consulted with. We always believe that if a client instructs us to help, we should make every effort to assist in the best way possible and create an impressive solution for the customer. It’s our desire to give the best that we can. That’s why we get much of our business through personal recommendations.

 One of our render images showing the front view of these smart office pods

The semiconductor supply chain shows no sign of speeding up anytime soon (Here’s what we know about the global chip shortage article) so we await arrival of technical equipment before we can progress.

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